Local Scholarships
To apply for these Scholarships use this application

Robert & Mable Austin Scholarship Fund *
Established in 1995 by Robert and Mable Austin to promote advanced studies by Stafford High School graduates.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate, emphasis on participation and leadership in school and community, academic achievement and financial need.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The completed application form must be returned to the SHS counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $1,000 ($500 per semester). A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Biege Foundation Scholarships *
Established in 1973 by Ray Biege, now deceased, a Stafford resident as a child. Mr. Biege wished to repay the community for the thoughtfulness shown to his family. The fund is administered by USD No. 349 in cooperation with the Stafford American Legion, Christopher L. Stockwell Post.
ELIGIBILITY: Preference to SHS graduate but not firm requirement. Candidate may be either single or married, should be either a service man or woman or a descendant of either and show financial need. Preference is given to medically related majors. Candidate must demonstrate some evidence of anticipated success in furthering his education with objectives consistent with the American way of life.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The second Monday in April for the coming academic year and the first Monday in December for the spring term only. Turn in forms to the SHS counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: Varies from $75 to $200, with two to four individuals awarded money annually. May reapply while in college. A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Williametta Mae Darr was a 1929 Stafford High School graduate. Willa Mae established the scholarship as part of her will in 1999.
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship(s) are to be awarded to high school graduates from USD 349 or any successor school district which includes Stafford, Kansas, or its vicinity. First preference is to be given to a student(s) interested in pursuing an “art” major field. Second preference is for a major in the fine arts. If no student is pursuing that curriculum, then any qualified student will be considered.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The initial completed application form must be returned to the SHS counselor by the second Monday in April. Renewal applications must be returned by January 15 and June 15 for the following semester.
AWARD AMOUNT: $625 per semester renewable for eight (8) semesters or four (4) years. (Summer school counts as one-half (0.5) semester.) Four or more scholarships may be awarded each year depending on the number of approved renewals and money available. A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment. Must carry a 2.5 or better grade point average in each semester in order to receive additional awards.
Walter E. Ewy Memorial Scholarship *
Established in 1979 by Elma Ewy in honor of the late Walter Ewy, long-time SHS principal. Of special importance to selection criteria are participation and leadership in school activities. This fund is administered by USD No. 349 and the United Methodist Church of Stafford.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate, participation and leadership in school and community activities, academic achievement, positive character traits and, with all factors being relatively equal, financial need will be the determining factor in the selection of winning candidates.
APPLICATION PROCESS: A formal application blank may be obtained from the SHS counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application to be turned into the high school counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $150, one-time award. A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Established in 1996 in honor of Gemma Austin’s interest and dedication to the Stafford Schools Educational System.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduate who plans to attend any higher learning institution in Kansas. Students must show participation in school, community, and/or church activities. Financial need with highest grade point average will be strongly considered.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The completed application form must be returned to the SHS counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $500 ($250 per semester). A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
A $10,000 memorial annuity established by the family of the late Harold Jenkins, lifetime farmer of Stafford County and SHS graduate. The fund is administered by the Stafford Lions Club and is awarded to the student who pursues an agriculturally-related program of study.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate, emphasis on participation and leadership in school and community, academic achievement and financial need.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application available from the high school counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application turned into high school counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: Interest accrued on annuity divided between 1st and 2nd semesters.
Funded and administered by the Stafford Lions Club. This award is to honor excellence in school involvement.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate, emphasis on participation and leadership in school and community activities and organizations, and academic achievement. With all factors being relatively equal, financial need will be the determining factor in the selection of winning candidate.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application available from the high school counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Due to high school counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $100 to $200, one-time award.
Established in honor of Kenneth L. Odom, long-time teacher, principal and counselor in the Stafford school system, 1955-79. Especially important to selection criteria are participation and leadership in school and community activities.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate who plans to attend a vocational, junior college or four-year college with a minimum of 12 college hours a semester. Emphasis on academic achievement, participation and leadership in school activities, outstanding character traits, service to the community.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the high school counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application turned into the SHS counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $100, one-time award. A check made payable to the school will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Established by Chapter BK-PEO, an organization of women who promote the education of women.
ELIBIGILITY: Open to any graduating SHS female senior who plans to attend a vocational, junior/community college or a four-year college with a minimum of 12 college hours a semester.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application obtained from the high school counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application turned into the SHS counselor by the second Monday of April.
AWARD AMOUNT: $200 ($100 per semester), one-time award. A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment each semester.
Established in 1971 by Marie Sandifer through a Methodist foundation. After her death, the Methodist Church has continued with the scholarship to honor her.
ELIGIBILITY: SHS graduate, participation and leadership in school and community activities, and academic achievement. With all other factors being relatively equal, financial need will be the determining factor in the selection of winning candidates.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application obtained from the high school counselor.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application turned into the SHS counselor by the second Monday in April.
AWARD AMOUNT: Varies from $250 to $300, with two usually given annually. A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Established in 2010 by Joshua and Rebecca Austin to promote future studies in agriculture and agricultural related fields.
ELIGIBLILITY: SHS graduate, that was active in FFA, with the desire to further his or her education through an agricultural related degree. The candidate must demonstrate leadership in the school as well as the community, academic achievement and financial need.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal Application blank obtained from the AHA counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: $500 ($250 per semester) A Check made payable to the school attended will be mailed to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
Established in 2007 by Tim and Dawn Schreiber, supporters of higher education, leadership and job skills.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduate who plans to attend a 2 to 4 year college. Emphasis will be given to students who plan to major or minor in business, have a financial need and who have shown leadership achievement.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS Counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: $500-$1000 ($250-$500 per semester) A check made payable to the school attended will be mailed directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment. Must carry a 3.0 or better grade point average in first semester to receive second semester payment.
Established in 2010 by Jason Dickson to promote future studies in computers and technology related fields.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduate who plans to attend a 2 to 4 year college. The candidate must demonstrate leadership in the school as well as the community, academic achievement and financial need.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS Counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: $100.00 one time payment with proof of enrollment.
Established by American Legion Aux Post 131, supporters of higher education, leadership and job skills.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduate who are females.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: Amount varies
Established by the Leisure Homestead to support and promote students in the area of health science studies.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduates who are planning to major in a health science field.
APPICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: Amount varies
Established by the Stafford Fire Department and Emergency Services to support and promote student who are going into the health science or fire science.
ELIGIBILITY: Stafford High School graduate who is planning to major in a health science or fire science major.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete a formal application blank obtained from the SHS Counselor.
AWARD AMOUNT: Amount varies